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Mette Walsted Vestergaard

Mette Walsted Vestergaard - ordstyrer - foredragsholder

Radio and television host. Moderator.

Mette Walsted Vestergaard is a radio and television host, P.T. P1 morning at Danmarks Radio. Mette has previously hosted the TV Magazine on DR1, on several major TV shows, including Denmark Collection, The year that was, Selection Morning, general election, the climate summit in Copenhagen, IOC summit in Copenhagen, documentaries and event broadcasts associated with royal events , publication of major political news and more.

Mette often act as moderator and master of ceremonies for both private and public organizations where she is not afraid to cut through the complex debates and conference topics.

Mette graduated cand.comm. from Roskilde University in 1999. She was previously digital project manager at Berlingske Tidende and culture project manager at Carlsberg in connection with Roskilde Festival.


Mette Walsted Vestergaard is a competent moderator, who with equal authority and twinkle sets the scene for lively, informative and successful event. The combination of an academic background and experience in journalism makes Mette a versatile moderator that by careful preparation, humility of the field and the ability to cut through also embraces more complex debates and conference topics.

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Slåenvej 3

6600 Vejen

​CVR: 26454867

Telefon: 29 86 34 40

